TPLF cronies, destabilizing actors behind Amnesty’s false accusations

Minilik Salsawi
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


TPLF and Amnesty False Accusations

The TPLF Junta’s cronies and destabilizing actors in the Horn of Africa are fake sources of the recent Amnesty’s accusations ,said Member of Tigray People’s Diaspora .

The member of Tigray people’s Diaspora Group, which is to be officially formed soon, Nagassi Beyene told The Ethiopian Herald that as some junta’s apologists and supporters have found it hard to accept the sudden and devastating defeat of the TPLF, they have been spewing lies to misguide the world.

He said the now -defunct TPLF had already assigned its loyal members in various international institutions while it was in power. These individuals have been cooking fake stories about the situation in Tigray in connivance with some irresponsible international organizations that primarily prompt hidden agenda in name of human rights .

Recoiling that TPLF Junta has been using such a pretended method for the past 46 years, Nagassi said : “ TPLF had forced some people from Tigray to migrate to Sudan for political gain. Apart from this, strategic enemies of Ethiopia, which have attempted to disintegrate Ethiopia, have also assisted the junta to discharge a destructive role in this end providing adequate coverage of Junta’s disinformation campaign .”

Citing Martin Plaut’s feeling right after hearing the capture of Sibhat Nega; “I cried for 24 hours,” he said that this clearly indicated the undying love of such pseudo journalist to the defunct TPLF. “They together defame the reputation of the country. In response, though some efforts have been exerted so far, to expose the release of fake news, it has to be well consolidated. Thus, all Ethiopian should stand in unison and release the reliable information so as to expose fake information.”

In a similar vein , Authority for Refugees and Returnees Authority (ARRA) disclosed that TPLF remnants migrated from Ethiopia to Sudan have been serving as a source of fake news to foreign media outlets and international organizations.

Over the past three months, TPLF associates have provided fake news for international media outlets and NGOs, according to the press statement from the Ethiopia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The youth, who had participated in the Maikadra massacre and reside in Sudan refugee camps are becoming main sources of fake news by drawing themselves as a victim of the war, it said.

ARRA Head, Tesfahun Gobezay stated that these people have their own political agenda and serve as an active player for the fake news channels opened recently.

Indicating that they were celebrating TPLF’s 46th anniversary within the camp, Tesfahun said this is a clear manifestation of their evil messengers that exacerbate tough situation as prime actors of the destruction not as concerns of migration.

In its press statement, the Foreign Affairs Ministry also said TPLF affiliates have been disseminating fake news to real migrants and force them change their mind not to come back home. Supporters of TPLF in refugee camps are now reorganizing themselves to re-attack Ethiopia and control Mekele Town again.

And the Ethiopian government urges the international community to sieve the seed from the chaff and carefully utilize the information verifying from credible sources instead of puffing what they are fed from these irresponsible Junta cliques, it was noticed.

“As there are many real migrants, we noticed that some people were displaced to Sudan having sinister political agenda . Apart from celebrating the 26th anniversary of TPLF, they were orchestrating fake news to the international media outlets.”

The media campaign is part and parcel of the general situation going on. TPLF supporters in Sudan are feeding fabricated and baseless information to the international media outlets to make the government accountable. Releasing reliable information to local and foreign media is a solution for this as recently some international media outlets have been permitted to enter the Tigray state and report.

The Ethiopian herald



Minilik Salsawi
Minilik Salsawi

Written by Minilik Salsawi

I AM PROUD TO BE ETHIOPIAN ! ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆኔ እኮራለሁ !Human Rights Activist and Mereja Media Online Journalist and Blogger.

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